Property investments and acquisitions
Both individuals and property companies have become active in acquiring properties on account of the dwindling returns available from other types of investments. Smith and Sons can offer considerable knowledge regarding acquisition sales and initial appraisals. We deal with all types of investments, industrial, offices, retail and residential.
Property management
Utilising a state of the art computerised management system, our team aim to provide a proactive property management service. Our commercial services include rent, service charge and insurance collection, rent reviews, lease renewals and valuation work. Residential property services include residential lettings, service charges, rent collection, diarising rent increases and rent officer appeals.
Property surveys and valuations
Our qualified and experienced surveyors provide detailed advice on commercial survey reports, schedules of condition in connection with lease facilities and schedules of dilapidation at termination of the lease. Residential subjects we can advise on include valuations for probate, capital gains tax as well as home buyer inspection reports and valuations. In addition to this, we offer plans for boundary disputes, compulsory purchase claims and planning applications.
We can provide a commercial and residential sale and letting service, as well as advice on the disposal and acquisition of property. View our
main website
for a list of the properties we currently have available.